Walking with crutches – A step-by-step guideThe correct height of crutches, how to walk with crutches non-weightbearing and partially weightbearing, and with one crutch.
Metatarsal stress fractures – Causes, symptoms, and treatmentWhat causes metatarsal stress fractures, how to recognise the symptoms, and how to treat them. Also: when you can start running again.
Navicular stress fractures – Symptoms and treatmentThe navicular stress fracture is classed as a high-risk stress fracture because it often takes a long time to heal, or it requires surgery.
Heel / Calcaneal stress fractures – Causes, symptoms, and treatmentWe'll start off this article by discussing the main causes of stress fractures in the heel bone (calcaneus), because if you know the...
Stress fracture healing - your questions answeredIn this article we'll answer some of the most common questions we get asked about the healing of stress fractures. We also made a video...
Risk factors for stress fractures in runnersThe research is still a bit sparse with regards to specific risk factors that may predispose a runner to developing a stress fracture.
Foot pain in runners - A quick guideIn this article we discuss the most common causes for foot pain in runners and the top 3 treatments that work best for them.
Diet and stress fractures in male athletes – Has the research finally caught up?Research has identified that a subset of male athletes may suffer from low bone density which may predispose them to stress fractures.