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How do I book an appointment?


All appointments are booked online via our Price & Bookings page. At the top of that page you will see a quick overview of the different appointment types as well as the discount packages. You can read more about the appointments or packages by clicking the "read more" buttons or by simply scrolling down the page.


Booking an appointment

If you click the "Book Now" button for one of the consultation types, it will take you to a page where you can view all the physios' diaries to see whose times suit you best. You can then pick a physio, a date and time, fill in your personal details and pay for your appointment using a debit or credit card.


You will then receive a booking confirmation email that contains the contact details of your physio as well as a zoom link that you should use for your call. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive a confirmation email. If you can't find it there, email us at and we'll get it sorted for you.


How do I buy a package?


  1. Go to the Price & Bookings page.

  2. Scroll down to "Follow-Up Package". Click on the "Buy Package" button.

  3. A page will open where you can enter your details and make payment.

  4. Check your emails. You should have received an email that contains your unique package code.


Do packages have expiration dates?


Yes, all packages expire after 12 months. This means that you have up until the 365th day to use your package code. You are able to book appointments up to 3 months into the future as long as you make the booking before the 12 months are up. The furthest ahead that you can book an appointment is 3 months.


For example:

  • If your package code is due to expire today, you can use it to book an appointment for any time in the next 3 months.

  • If your package expired yesterday, you will not be able to use your package code to make more bookings.


How do I book an appointment using a package code?


  1. Go back to the Price & Bookings page, scroll down to "Follow-Up Physio Consultations" and click on the "Book Now" button.

  2. A page will open where you can select your physio, select the date and time for your consultation, and fill in your details.

  3. At the bottom of the page, just above the payment buttons, there is a button that says "Redeem Coupon or Package". Click on that and enter the unique package code that you received via email into the box that opens.

  4. Click enter. The system will update and you will see a button that says "Complete appointment". Click the button and you will be able to finish booking your appointment without need for further payment. You will then be taken to a screen that confirms that your booking has been made.

  5. Check your emails. You should now have received an email that contains important information about your appointment. Please check your spam folder if you can't find the email. If you still can't find it, contact us at



Can I choose with which physio I book a consultation?


Yes, you can. During the booking process you will be able to choose the physio you want to work with.


How much does it cost?


You can find the different consultation and discount package prices on our Price & Bookings page.


How does payment work?


Payment is done when you book your appointment. You can pay with a Visa or Mastercard debit or credit card.


Trouble paying by card


Our payment platform is required by law to run a security check with your bank when you pay by card. Sometimes this process fails, resulting in the transaction being rejected despite your card being valid. If this happens, you can pay (using your card) by clicking on the Pay with PayPal button. You don't need a PayPal account to use this service.


Here's how:


  1. Click Pay with PayPal

  2. You will be shown 1 of 2 screens (see the pictures below) - the green arrow indicates what you should do next depending on the screen you see.

  3. Then fill in your card details as normal. PayPal gives you the option to register an account, but this is not mandatory.


What if I don’t have access to video call technology?


We’re very sorry but we cannot deliver this service without video technology. We aim to only provide quality care and feel that this can’t be done if we can’t see you move.


We use Zoom as our default app for video calls. You can request to use a different app if needed, but your physio may not be able to accommodate your request.


Can I get a copy of my medical notes?


Yes, you can request a copy of any of your clinical records that we have on file. All you have to do ask for it via our contact page or email us at We will have to confirm your identity by asking you a few security questions before we can send the information. Please note that we will only provide electronic copies of your records.


I don’t live in the United Kingdom. Can I still use your services?


Yes, you can! We have patients from all over the world, even though we are registered in the UK.


How does payment work for international clients?


Payment is done via Visa or Mastercard when you book your appointment. Your bank will automatically convert your currency to British pound sterling, which is the currency we work in. You can use this currency converter to get a rough idea of what our prices are in your own currency.​


How much does a session cost in my own currency?


Our prices are shown in British pound sterling which is the currency we work in. You can use this currency converter to get a rough idea of what our prices are in your own currency.​


There's a big time difference between my country and the UK. How do we deal with this when scheduling an appointment?


We have a smart booking system. It automatically converts our available times to your time zone but please check the am/pm setting carefully - because we are in the UK some of the times may be in the middle of the night for you and we have had international patients book 1am thinking it is 1pm!


If you click on the "Book Now" button on this page it will take you to a page where you can view all the physios' diaries and see what times they have available.


How do I reschedule my appointment date/time?


We have a 24 hour reschedule/cancellation policy.


There's a link in the confirmation email that we sent when you made your booking. You can reschedule any appointment at no cost by clicking on that link as long as it is more than 24 hours before the start of the appointment.


Let us know if you have any trouble finding the link in your confirmation email.


The link won’t work if you want to rechedule the appointment less than 24 hours before its start time. You will not receive a refund if you don't attend the appointment.


How do I cancel an appointment?


We have a 24 hour rescheduling/cancellation policy.


There's a link in the confirmation email that we sent when you made your booking. You can cancel any appointment via that link and get a full refund as long as you do it more than 24 hours before the start of the appointment. Please email us at if you want help with cancelling an appointment or treatment package.


The cancellation link (see above) won’t work if you want to cancel an appointment less than 24 hours before its start time, so please email us if you still want to cancel. You will not receive a refund if you cancel an appointment less than 24 hours before its start time. You can read our full cancellation policy here.


You will not be refunded for missed appointments.


Will I get a refund if I cancel an appointment?


More than 24 hours before appointment starts

You can cancel an appointment and get a full refund as long as you do it more than 24 hours before the appointment is due to start. You will find the link to cancel an appointment in the confirmation email that was sent to you when you made the booking. Let us know if you have any trouble finding it.


Your refund will be issued by the end of the next business day and a confirmation email will be sent to the email address linked to your account. Please note that payment platforms (like PayPal or Square) can take up to 10 working days to process a refund.


Less than 24 hours before appointment starts

You will not receive a refund if you cancel an appointment less than 24 hours before its start time. Please email us at or send us a message through our contact form if you still want to cancel.


If your delivered Online Physiotherapy Service does not conform to the UK Consumer Rights Act 2015, we will be happy to issue a credit or refund.


Missed appointments


You will not be entitled to a refund if you miss your appointment. It is your responsibility to check the booking

confirmation email that you receive to ensure that the appointment time is correct.


Can I get a package refunded?


Package and gift certificate refunds when the code has not yet expired


You can ask for a full refund of the package or gift certificate amount if no appointments have been used, cancelled late (see below), and missed. Please email us at or contact us via our contact form if you would like a refund.


If some of the appointments have been used and you would like the remaining appointments to be refunded, you will lose the discount benefit. For both packages and gift certificates, the full price of a regular appointment will be deducted for each used, missed, and late cancelled (see below) appointment, and the remaining balance will be refunded.


Please email us at or contact us via our contact form if you would like a refund. Refunds can only be provided to the person who purchased the package or gift certificate. The refund will be processed by us by the end of the next business day and a confirmation email will be sent to the email address linked to your account. Please note that PayPal and Square can take up to 10 working days to process a refund.


Package refunds - After expiration date

You will not receive a refund if your package is past its expiration date.


Do you only help people with sports injuries?


No. Anyone can use our services. Whilst we specialise in treating sports injuries, we also provide treatment and support for anyone suffering from regular musculoskeletal (joint, muscle, ligament, tendon etc.) injuries.


Is my injury suitable for treatment via video call?


Most injuries involving joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves (musculoskeletal injuries) are suitable for treatment via video call. 


How can you diagnose my injury without touching me?


95 % of a diagnosis in clinical practice is made from carefully listening to the history the patient provides, combined with the findings of specific movement tests.


Your physiotherapist always starts a consultation by taking a detailed history, via video call, of how your injury started and she then gets you to perform certain test movements, just as she would in practice. You can also upload pictures of your injured body part or video clips of you running etc. for further analysis. Your physio may also guide you through a self-examination of your injured body part to identify specific ligaments and muscles.


How can you treat me without touching me?


All structures in the body have a specific time it takes to heal, depending on the type and severity of the injury. While a massage may make you feel better, research has shown that the most effective way of treating injuries is by providing a mixture of carefully graded rest and exercise.


If you do too much too early you cause further breakdown of the tissue. Rest or protect the injury for too long and you can prolong your healing process or even cause yourself chronic pain.


At SIP we provide you with a carefully graded exercise programme and assist you throughout your recovery. We always give clear guidelines as to how much discomfort you can expect, if any, and you can contact me at any time to ask for advice. Your treatment plan will also include ways that you can apply self-massage or other techniques if appropriate.


I have tried exercises before, but it did not work. Why will your treatment plan work?


An exercise programme can fail for several reasons:

  • It was the wrong diagnosis and therefore the wrong exercises. At SIP we combine our years of experience in treating athletes with a detailed evaluation to provide you with a diagnosis.

  • It was the wrong intensity or type of exercise for that stage of the healing process. At SIP we provide you with ongoing support and tweak your rehabilitation programme if necessary.

  • You did not get a timely review or support throughout the programme. We are all different and what works for one person may have a totally different effect on the next. With SIP you have ongoing and convenient access to us, your physiotherapists, and we always encourage frequent communication. This way, we can quickly identify if a certain exercise is not right for you and make appropriate adjustments.

  • You did not follow a graded return to sport. Whilst we always aim to help you return to sport as soon as possible, it is very important to do this in a gradual manner. We have years of clinical experience in helping people return to sport in a safe and effective manner.


Can you guarantee that you can fix my injury?


No. A full recovery can never be guaranteed, not for ‘face to face’ or online consultations.


Can I print my exercises?


Yes, you can. It works better to print it from a computer or laptop than from a mobile phone.


1. Open your programme in the usual way. You'll notice a little printer icon in the top left corner, next to the name of the programme. Click on it.




2. A dialogue box will open. Ignore the first two setting in the box. In the last option, scroll down to pick one of the printing layouts. You can choose how many exercises you want on a page, whether you want them with their instructions, what size print your require, or perhaps you just want a tracking sheet with pictures where your can tick them off as you do them. In the example below, I've chosen to print a tracking sheet.




3. Click "Print" once you've selected your option and the view below should open. Click "Print" again at the top of the screen to complete the action.


Choose physio
Int payment
Time zone
Tried before
spots injuries
Missed appointments
Package refunds
Package expire
Use code
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